Wekiwa Springs I post was from 2012 when I went with Sana from work (and actually jumped into the water), and
Wekiwa Springs II was when I went with Michael in August 2014. We also went again in May 1, 2016 (and hiked 9.12 miles, according to my Instagram post that day), but I didn't blog about that. Here's my one photo, but, of course, I know I took more:
Yesterday I hiked with Alex, another friend from work. The original plan was to have about 6 of us hiking, (the whole group of our Steps Challenge) but everyone else was out of town or unable to go, so it was just me and her. We got along super well at work, we have similar humor and interests, so I was excited to get some one-on-one time with her outside of Teletype. She met me there at 8:45am and we hiked until 1:30!! We were both pretty tired after that, but she noted that we seemed to be walking faster on the way back to the car- haha. It was only $4 for our entry fee (each) since there was only one person in the car. I guess when there are at least 2 people in the car, it's $6.
The two pictures above are the same, I just edited them differently. I like them both!!
It should be noted that I saved Alex from two snakes yesterday! TWO!! She said she didn't see the first shimmery green, kind of "cute" one because she wasn't looking down, and the second one (the huge one that Michael says is a water moccasin or cottonmouth) Alex didn't see because she on her phone. She was texting Tabitha, another friend from work, to see if she could meet us at Panera for lunch. Luckily, she was the brave one who nudged both of them out of the way with her long spider web stick. The super poisonous one took more nudging. I definitely stepped back with that one!
Also here is a funny conversation we had that I am still laughing about ~
When we got to Big Buck Camp, a site towards the very North end of the park, we sat down at the benches near where a tent and hammock were set up. She was seeing which trail would be the fastest to get back.
A: It's only 2.1 miles. Wait, it says 7 minutes? Oh, that's driving.
R: Just call an Uber. (sarcastic)
A: He shows up on a bear.
R: An U-bear.
*more laughing*
These bars from Publix seem a lot healthier than my Dollar Tree granola bars. 100 calories each! |
I was wondering if someone was in that tent since the fire was still smoking as if someone had recently been cooking and just covered the fire not long before we got there.
That is the Hey Band (?) that I got from Jackie at work. She has two better/ newer/ fancier ones so she gave me this one for free a couple weeks ago. Here I am showing off my 22,716 steps!! And then I made my goal 25,000 for the day. But then I became obsessed with actually going over 30,000- and I did. The Hey Band said I got to about 30,323, but my phone said I reached over 31,000. So that's the number that I'm using for the day. My feet and calves definitely hurt today. I don't know how Brittany Burgunder did it at the end of high school and beginning of college, walking sooo much each day and also going to the gm several times. I don't want to be obsessed every day, but do wonder how quickly I could get down to 105 if I walked 30,000 steps every day! That's not realistic though.
*Note: I did not take the park sign photo. That's from Google. & Alex took the selfie of us, as well as the snake photos. But I did edit the coloring a little bit.