Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas with Emma

   We both got up around 9:30am for Christmas morning this year!! I was glad Michael got up shortly after I started Emma's lung treatments because the day before he had slept in until after 1pm! But he said that was because he didn't have a real reason to get up, plus he has not been sleeping well at night for about a month now. On Christmas Eve Michael helped me make the Hashbrown Casserole recipe that he got from his mom- one of my favorites. It's basically just a huge container of hot potatoes, cheese, sour cream, and onions. Mmmm, Southern comfort food! He also made sausage balls and I put those in the oven Christmas morning before cooking the cinnamon rolls. To help "even all of this out", I drank one of those kale fruit smoothie drinks too!
      We didn't start opening presents until about an hour later because I was hungry still and wanted to take a bunch of pictures of Emma with her presents before we actually started opening any of them. This is her first Christmas at home ~ a big deal for a girl who was in the hospital for the first 10 & 1/2 months of her life! There are a bunch more (different) pictures on Emma's blog. I took 272 on the Canon T2i and finally got them narrowed down to 113, but then still ended up wanting to post about 37 on each blog. Yay, two blogs! So you can see the rest of the best pictures on her blog ~ on this Christmas at HOME post.

 Daddy's presents on the right!
 I got a lot more presents than I expected too, but that's fine with me! :)
 Santa Paws didn't forget about Sasha Renee!
    So mix up in communication here ~ that morning we were in Emma's room and Michael whispered to me, "Make sure if you fill up her stocking so it's not so flat." So I filled it with anything small I could find in the kitchen, just to put stuff in there for fun, because I thought he was talking about Emma! She's still on continuous formula feeds via G-tube, so she wouldn't be eating any of it anyway. I put in lollipops, drink powder, granola bars, and a gravy packet!! Turns out he meant for Sasha's stocking. Ha! Oh well.
 Michael reading the card I made, with "Amish Time" coupons inside. Amish Time is something we made up last year where we put our phones away for an extended period of time and actually be together, talking laughing, going for walks, watching shows we both like. I caved and said I would finally try watching Game of Thrones with him and he is sooo excited about that. We've only watched two episodes so far, but he's seen most of the show. I felt bad that he didn't care to watch any of How I Met Your Mother, which I watched for the first time last month!
 My new Harry Potter Time Turner (necklace) that I asked for because the other one broke after too much dress up usage. :)
 This is my favorite gift that I gave him, probably because I picked it out myself (from an ad on Facebook) and it wasn't on his Amazon list. I like there to be surprises too. In case you can't read it well, the shirt says, "I never dreamed I'd grow up to be a perfect freakin husband, but here I am, killin' it!" For real though. The shirt says it all. I hope he wears it every day! :D
 Doing a great job opening some of her gifts!!
 To: Emma // From: Mommy & Daddy
I know it's not as fun for his mom to buy presents like diapers and wipes, (or even gift cards) but it sure is fun for us to receive and use. We really appreciate it! One less thing for us to have to buy later! :D
 Haha, whoops! I guess you really will have to check out the post on her blog because you can't really see what was in the huge box from Santa in these photos. (It's the thing pushed against the window behind Michael.) I didn't want to post repeats on this blog. Find out here!!
Notice the green bow on Sasha's head? Haha. I love that she didn't shake it off like Taylor Swift.
Well, that's all folks!! Merry Christmas from the Gores, cozy and back in Florida with the baby this year!!  <-- That's the link to our last Christmas in Michigan while Emma was still in the hospital.

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