Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Under Construction

Here are a couple more pictures I took that I have been meaning to post from Wednesday. You can see the sun setting behind the grassy mound behind Tonia. The lighting was nice then. But a quick 20 minutes later it was too dark, which is why Miriam's photo turned out grainy. I adjusted the ISO (in attempt to get the most light in as possible), but the higher you make it, the more grainy the photos turn out. Which is why I prefer taking photos in the middle of the day. We didn't have a problem with the "clubby photos" because there was enough artificial light coming from the store.

(And one more of Alana since I hadn't posted any of her with her boyfriend, Cody. If I didn't mention it before, he had a wonderful attitude that weekend, especially for the shoot - getting the horses to look where we wanted to and helping set up props!)

1 comment:

  1. In smaller blog photos, grainy is not an issue - I did not notice grainy, even after reading your text. These are some nice photos. -D
