Monday, February 3, 2014

New Month's Eve

   I was already thinking on Saturday of what resolutions I could start for February. My hyped-up orphan day plan sizzled out fairly quickly and I do need to get back into my awesome fitness groove. January was the month of the ever-delicious Reese's cups! Anyway, over the weekend Dawson was asking what I had done for New Years Eve 2013, when I realized that I never posted those pictures. So here they are now:
 ^^ My olden Dudley Farrms house. I was surprised it stayed balanced for three days. I comepleted it with a wreath and pink ribbon on the side, both made from Nerd candies. My sidewalk is tasty toasted marshamellow flavored jellybeans. ^^ Then Zach had to follow my lead.
 Jacquie made a Nativity scene. Blessed be the baby Jesus. 
We put extra cat cookies around Mommy's house when she wasn't looking! ;)
   You can read about 2012's New Years Eve post here, but this past year Sharanya came over (I got to see her a bunch over the holiday, which was so wonderful!) and played games such as Gestures, Mad Gab and Taboo with my mom and Jacquie. Then we danced to fun songs, played Wii Fit and made graham cracker houses again and stayed up until midnight. I Face Time'd with Michael since he was in Orlando and we both kissed our iPad screens.

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