Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Printed Works

  This is one of the places that I will miss going to- Valley Plaza Library. It was only a lovely four minute drive from our house. It was next to a nice big, green park that always had at least three birthday parties every Saturday, usually two with bouncy castles! These are the last two books I have borrowed. Their website was always really great as well. Or maybe the last time I really used a library was back before I ever got on the computer, so I have nothing to compare it to. They would even send me an email when the book was ready to be picked up. Snazzy! ;)
  I finished reading "Dad is Fat" by my favorite comedian, Jim Gaffigan. It was very funny, talking about what its like raising five kids in Manhattan. Now we're watching his comedy act on Netflix, Mr. Universe. I'm still laughing a lot and I've seen it three times! The other book I started the other day is by Jen Hatmaker. I'm not sure if she also makes hats on the side, but it's titled, "7: An Experimental Mutiny Against Excess". She covers clothes, shopping, waste, food, possessions, media and stress. Of course, it makes me want to try all of them!! It's on my to-do list for next year. As well as the 31/ Orphan Project, which I kind of did for a while in June, but never long enough to blog about it.
 ^^ The guy who has been practicing playing his flute!! ^^
  Anyway, I would estimate that I read at least 15 books this year. And that makes me very happy. ;)
I still have a long list of books I didn't get a chance to read this year, so I'll be sure to read a bunch of those from the library in Birmingham. Another thing I will miss and sometimes forget about, because it's so common to see, is the mountain view that you can see in the distance at every turn!

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