On Thursday afternoon, after Michael left for work, Miriam texted me to plan out our next photoshoot. Since I have already made plans for a lot of the days I have off before Christmas, I went ahead and mentioned that I was free that evening. So we decided to be spontaneous and push past our comfort levels, due to us both being avid planners. Life is too short not to fly by the seat of our pants!! Miriam also invited her friend, Brittany, but unfortunately she already had plans to go to a Magic's basketball game. We had a few different ideas going, but somehow all of the Halloween decorations were pulled out from the garage and it went from there.
While I was at her house, Miriam showed me how she rearranged her bedroom since I last saw it in July. Although she had bought a big new dresser from IKEA, it did not make her room look any smaller. The dresser is not only beautiful, but also very tall and spacious. I think Michael would like it too since it was a dark brown wood. Miriam also has a lot of pretty jewelry in different places around her room and also in the attached bathroom. However, it doesn't look cluttered or junky. A lot of her more delicate necklaces were hanging from a stick. She had a few earrings hanging from the rim of a cup, a few rings were in a small wooden.. "thing" (not sure how to describe it). And in the bathroom there were some racks specifically made to hold jewelry. I could have - and now think maybe I should have - done a whole post about her decorating skills! I was even impressed with her organized (horizontally, by size) magazines and book collection, including a biography of Lady Gaga. And did I mention that when I got there she was cooking spaghetti for her boyfriend? While wearing high heels! I am really looking forward to all the changes I plan on making in my/our life once we move to Los Angeles. (More blog posts each month is also on that list. Hooray!) But I can wait and be "lazy" for a few more months. Right now, with God's grace, I'm continuing to keep up my wonderfully positive attitude adjustment.
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