Monday, March 25, 2013

Descanso's Back Yard

More pictures from our trip last week ~ this area was soooo pretty. It was all the way to the right when you come in through the gate. This was the area we saw after the vegetable garden and tulip field. We used the automatic timer for the first time on our Canon camera and ran into place as the red light flashed.
I wanted to be like Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) before her curse, walking along the paths and barefoot in the grass, stopping at a wooden bench to read a book and pet the deer. I only saw birds, but that's how I imagined it. I loved the cottage and thought it might be one you could take a tour in, but the back was hallowed out and constructed to be an extra restroom and storage facility.
Michael told me that he really liked the Weeping Willow tree over the pond and we saw a small turtle too, so I took a picture of it for Mia. But he was gone when we looked back! I also really liked the creeks and tiny waterfalls flowing between the rocks. When I was editing this picture of Michael today, I smiled really big, seeing his smile and feeling happy.
I hope you're having a great week.
♥ We sure are! ♥


  1. I'm quite fond of the weeping willow, too! Do you have a filter on these photos or are they straight off of your camera? :)

  2. These are some really nice, peaceful photos. I especially like two of them .. 1)the wooden door and stepping stones, and 2) Michael leaning on the porch rails. Those two just caught my attention the most. -D
