Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Murder of Crows, Day 1
Today was nice. I only stopped by the Full Sail soundstage for a couple hours (from 11am - 1:15pm when they broke for an hour lunch). The crew was filming the same shot for most of the time, so I felt limited on my creativity range since everyone was in the same spot for most of the time. I deleted pictures right away if I didn't like them - ended up with 209 and 54 that I liked the best. I'm editing them now and they will be up on my Wild Photography Facebook page soon. Tomorrow they film in a mansion! I'm definitely looking forward to that. ~ Personal note: Michael and I just had an enjoyable dinner date at Ruby Tuesday and are about to leave to go see Martin Scorsese's "Hugo".
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
On-Set Prep
Tomorrow is the "big day". I begin my on-set BTS photography. I believe the crew for Full Sail's 35mm, Murder of Crows, already has someone doing this particular job, but I have been invited to update my portfolio as well. I think one of my biggest pet peeves (aside from huge bushes near stop signs so you can't see if there are any cars coming until you are in the middle of the road) is lack of communication. My personal problem is more with relationships, but for a film crew.. I'd really like to know what's going on, so I can remain professional myself.

Michael ordered the "Movie Photos" book by on-set photographer, Alex Bailey. Another early Christmas present, I suppose? When I checked Amazon, the price had jumped to $160, since they only had two copies left. And that was for a soft cover. Luckily I found another website that had it for only $42 - not sure of the reasoning for such the large price difference. However, it may be a month before it arrives in my hands.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Portraits ~ Chelsy
Michael and I met Chelsy, her Brazilian boyfriend, Hitallo, and their super cute dog, Jacob, in Baldwin Park this morning. The area is beautiful and I got to see even more than the usual houses we pass by when we drive through. (One of those small towns within a bigger city, this time being Orlando.) The couple was very friendly, relaxed and fun to work with. Chelsy has a gorgeous smile and I didn't notice Hitallo's argyle socks until I started editing the pictures. I love them! She previously asked if I could take some photos of them for a Christmas card they plan to send out to friends and family next month. I was more than happy to, especially after seeing the modeling she had previously done with our fellow Full Sail grad, Josh "Jasper" Behrens.
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Saturday, November 26, 2011
Just a Quickie
I'm wondering if I should be more like "real" photography blogs and only post when I have something really good to show off: like a music video or behind the scenes of a film set or portrait shoot. I should talk about my experiences there rather than my day-to-day high school diary type stuff. Tonight I took a load of pictures of Michael and Drew getting the Grinch costume ready for next month. I've just sent Tara (main young actress in "Gruff's Bridge") a message, in hopes that she could play our perfect Cindy Lou Who. I've been advised to wait until we have the Grinch/Whoville photo shoot complete before adding any "creation" photos to the Internet. So for now, here are some Thanksgiving pilgrims. I hope yours was a loving & tasty holiday as well!
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Slipped Away
How are the days passing me by so quickly? Its not until almost "bedtime" that I realize I haven't updated my blog yet! I did capture my first "sporting event" today - my dad and brother playing Frisbee. Dinner took place at David's BBQ with my parents since my dad was previously raving about how amazing it was. I understand that it is simply the opinion of our tastebuds, but mine prefer Sonny's. I'm glad I tried it though.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Method Acting
Distracted. Major. Updating late.

Monday, November 21, 2011
Moving Forward
I got the most important things done yesterday. I took a new set of pictures and emailed some well known on-set photographers. I have already gotten replies from Jaimie Trueblood (Transformers 2, The Green Hornet, a few recent episodes of America's Next Top Model), John Bramley (Breaking Dawn, I Am Number Four, Spider Man 2 & 3) and Kimberley French (New Moon, Eclipse, Brokeback Mountain). She suggested that I read the book "Movie Photos: a Definitive Guide to Movie Photography" written by Alex Bailey, (Hanna, Sherlock Holmes, Hugo) another photographer I emailed. Unfortunately, the book is around $100 on Amazon, even used! Kimberley did, however, attach a 27 page document worth of published interviews and notes by herself and other experienced on-set photographers. I did learn a lot of things. Like how one day I will need to invest in a sound blimp (shutter silencer) which is also very expensive.. $1,000..
Sunday, November 20, 2011
90 Days
I've been slacking lately and that's not good. I haven't been blogging every day like I should. I haven't been taking new pictures every day, but rather finding old ones and re-editing them to use in my posts. I really need to make a check list of things to do. I got my list completed the other day and that felt good. So I'd like to feel good again.
I've been reading Jason Blanchard's journal documents on his networking page. He was our very inspirational Producing teacher. He was the one who makes all our dreams seem so much more achievable, we just have to work harder. His posts revolve around the "90 Days" he has before he moves to LA in February and how he is preparing for the change. Its only 76 days now. So here is my list for today: {#1} Write Jenn Anderson back. She has been my pen-pal (and friend) for a few years now. I tend to procrastinate on this task every time, simply because I have so much to write, responding to the three wonderful letters she recently sent me. {#2} Contact behind the scenes photographers and ask them how they got started and what advice they have for me. Then apply that advice! {#3} Make a list of photography project ideas, write them down and take lots of pictures. I did get upset yesterday because I went outside to take pictures and it was very windy, so my inanimate subject was unable to remain still. I'll try again today right now! {#4} Keep editing the "Blood Widow" documentary.
I am attempting to be more persistent about finding film sets to take behind the scenes photos for. When Facebook messages didn't work, I sent texts. Some of it has a lot to do with patience, which I don't have too much of. I will hopefully have two 35mm projects to get "on set" pictures of. Both at the beginning of December and I'm hoping for four different locations. Two real places around Orlando & two sets built on soundstages. I need to make a more efficient list of potential work as well.
PS: It's my brother's 21st birthday. Goodness. Happy Birthday, Beebs!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Rumour Has It
Last night I started putting together a rough cut of a Blood Widow "documentary". Just all the best bits of behind the scene footage that I have, but so far it's already too long. I don't want it more than 30 minutes total. I think it gets better when Ryan and I are at the second location and I'm all hyper because I got to be a stand in/double for the actresses. We get more silly from there and the scenes are less dramatic. Aside from that, I have a few letters to write back to. Not a super productive day, like yesterday was. I'm trying to find photo ideas. I was told about the 365 Project, but I was thinking it was something more than just taking a picture every day for a year. I feel like I've been doing that since I started my blog anyway. This one girl has some pretty amazing stuff. I'm not sure what she uses to edit her pictures. You can tell she photo shopped a bunch, but it turns out really cool. Michael could probably do something like that for me, but I prefer to tweak my own pictures.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
The day has come! Jeffrey Moore has been given the "okay" to debut his directed edit of Ornimental's music video "Encage". That's the one I took behind the scenes photos of almost a month ago in Christmas, FL. This means I am also allowed to post the pictures I took that day. And I have. My ten favorite are up there now, on my Facebook Photography page, and I will also add them to my Flickr account very soon. Of the ten, the first one might be my favorite, just because of how friendly is it. Plus I was obsessed with this guy's hair, especially when he was head banging during every take of the song! (His name is Ariel, by the way. He is the bass player.)
Heart in Hyperdrive
I'm going crazy trying to think of ideas of what I can do to expand my "career" so people will see my work and want me to photograph them and/or the projects they are a part of. I signed myself up as a photographer for Model Mayhem, but it said it would taken between a few days and a week to see if my profile is approved. I've simply been browsing through my past work - all that stuff before I understood how to utilize depth of field and experimented with different lenses. I'm still learning.
{#1} I've remained quite fond of these shots I took of my cousin, Jessica, and her daughter, Jordyn, in May. I'll be editing more and adding them to my Flickr account today. I like staying busy. I don't know what to do with myself when I have downtime. {#2} I will go through other pictures I like from Blood Widow since Chad said I could send him suggestions that he could add to the "Media" page. {#3} I have been meaning to add a GoreFX album to my Wild Photography Facebook page. So later tonight I will shuffle through my favorites so far from his work. That can only benefit Michael and myself, right? If you have any other suggestions, I would be honored to hear them.
{#1} I've remained quite fond of these shots I took of my cousin, Jessica, and her daughter, Jordyn, in May. I'll be editing more and adding them to my Flickr account today. I like staying busy. I don't know what to do with myself when I have downtime. {#2} I will go through other pictures I like from Blood Widow since Chad said I could send him suggestions that he could add to the "Media" page. {#3} I have been meaning to add a GoreFX album to my Wild Photography Facebook page. So later tonight I will shuffle through my favorites so far from his work. That can only benefit Michael and myself, right? If you have any other suggestions, I would be honored to hear them.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Goodbye Thanksgiving
I haven't been up to too much. I don't really remember what I did on Monday. Yesterday I had my first day of work at Kirkland's. Hopefully I can get more hours since I had to quit the other part-time job due to "conflicts of interest". The first shift was good. We were taught how to work the basics of the register and a bunch of us new hires took turns with customers. Michael has been doing some early Christmas shopping - for both of us. He bought the Harry Potter Blu Ray 8-pack with all of the movies. Then the following day picked up the book "Harry Potter: Page to Screen, the Complete Filmmaking Journey"! It's 531 large pages, filled with pictures that I haven't even partially looked through.
Of course there are notes and stories along the way, about when the producer picked up the book and why Harry and Hermione don't possess the strong facial features that they do in the book (green eyes & buck teeth).
I've been baking cookies a lot lately and watching old episodes of "Gossip Girl". Today Michael was taking all the pictures - some of me with a Who nose during the day and more high contrast ones at night. I didn't particularly like how those turned out. As I drive around at night, I notice that lots of people already have Christmas lights up and Thanksgiving isn't until next week. I was part of a conversation this weekend where everyone agreed that in about five years, Thanksgiving will no longer exist. Or if it does, it will only be so everyone knows when Black Friday is. I think the Amish should try and do something about that. <end rant>

I've been baking cookies a lot lately and watching old episodes of "Gossip Girl". Today Michael was taking all the pictures - some of me with a Who nose during the day and more high contrast ones at night. I didn't particularly like how those turned out. As I drive around at night, I notice that lots of people already have Christmas lights up and Thanksgiving isn't until next week. I was part of a conversation this weekend where everyone agreed that in about five years, Thanksgiving will no longer exist. Or if it does, it will only be so everyone knows when Black Friday is. I think the Amish should try and do something about that. <end rant>
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Deal of the Day

A couple days ago I found a lasagna recipe online, so Michael and I picked up the ingredients that night. Today I decided to try putting it all together. Here is the result. It was pretty good, although next time I will have to put sauce down first so I don't burn the bottom layer of noodles. (Motherly tip!) At 6:30pm, I attended my first employee meeting in a long time. It's so exciting having a job. Remind me to never regret it! Now the handsome hubs & I are wrapping up our day with a brilliant viewing of Deathly Hallows, Part 2.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Pine Street
This morning Michael picked up our new 50mm lens we ordered from the office. Then we met Drew and four of his friends from Tennessee at Michael's special make up effects studio (GoreFX). They were all very impressed with his work, specifically Mr. Foster's head from Blood Widow. They asked lots of nice questions, which I'm sure made Michael blush a little. We had lunch at Four Rivers (a yummy barbecue place that I hadn't been to before.. Julie was there too!) and Michael took some pictures of Drew's plaque they had posted on the wall today. During the month of September, he ate their 20 times so he is now an official "Pitmaster". The manager treated us all for free!
At 4:45 Michael and I left to go to the red carpet screening of a web series entitled La Fleur de Mai. After we got parking, since we still has half an hour before the event began, we walked around and took pictures of an area we had never been to before. I thought this Kress building was kind of pretty. The event was held in a small gallery. The owners had left the artwork up for the night and a lot of it involved Muppet characters, such as Kermit the Frog. There were a few of Cookie Monster as well. I got some good pictures, but we were only able to stay about 45 minutes to make sure we wouldn't be any time over 2 hours since all we had was a ten dollar bill. I have to wait to get the "okay" from the event coordinator before I can post any of my pictures from tonight.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Wishing at 11:11

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More photos added August 2016. For these pictures I saved the edited versions over the originals to how I liked them, so I am not able to re-edit them more plainly the way I would now. Rheanne was very kind and sent me a small check for taking all of the extra pictures, although I was doing it for free.
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