Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Anorexic Kitty

I was on my way back upstairs after a quick Thanksgiving themed shoot (which I probably won't post until November 1st), when I saw a kitty in the bushes! Thank goodness I had the good camera with me, unlike last time when I just had my Polaroid.. those were a waste of film. No offense, kitty. I ran upstairs and got a handful of turkey slices for him. I followed him along the wall, by the air conditioners, and took a lot of pictures between throwing turkey pieces on the ground for him. However, after 179 shots (for real - the more I take, the better chances there are of finding a really good one!), I realized that I don't think this is the anorexic kitty that I have seen around the complex before. He was still skinny, but I feel like the other kitty had more gray on his back.. Whatever, hopefully I made this kitty's day better. I will be putting a few more of my favorites on Flickr later tonight.

1 comment:

  1. What a cute kitty!! I think Sasha needs a playmate!! :) xoxoxooxox
