Monday, October 24, 2011

The Little Things

Today has been very nice. It started off very early this morning with a 2AM date. I met Michael after work at Waffle House. I got the five strips of bacon and he got his pecan waffles. The waitress convinced us to take home a whole chocolate pie so she wouldn't have to cut one piece for me. [Fast forward until Noon..]

Once we woke up for the day, I ran some errands with Michael to Sam Flax, Hobby Lobby and a couple Halloween stores. *shudder*. The weather was great, so we rode with the windows down and the radio on, playing good music. One song had a chorus of "gotta live like we're dying". I wonder how many people do that..
 After repeatedly asking Michael (over the past couple of weeks) if we could go on a picnic, he finally gave in and later admitted that he had a better time than he thought he would. We didn't pack sandwiches, but stopped at a couple food places. I got a wrap from Jason's Deli and he got Five Guys. We had to tie Sasha up so she wouldn't run away, but that didn't stop her from darting at every squirrel she saw.


  1. OOOH! That hamburger looks mighty tasty. But where's the picture of the chocolate pie? You should send the hburger pic to 5 guys! :) Sasha looks ready to pounce! Love her ears!! xoxoxoox

  2. That burger looks deliciously mouth watering!
