Miriam's party tonight was fun. They had a lot of good food - loved those chocolate chip cookies! I didn't get as many pictures as I would have liked, but enjoyed the time watching Miriam put Joker make up on Thomas. There were a lot of great costumes including the Black Swan, an angel, Ghost Busters, a doctor, a toga warrior & Julie as Dorothy! I loved Miriam's princess dress and her boyfriend, Garth, as a (frog) prince.
I tend to not be a very social person in new situations, even when I'm around 20 people, but I did talk to a few guys about my photography. John pulled up my blog on his phone after I gave him one of my business cards. We talked about my previous pictures and he wants to set up a shoot later this month. & I did learn that, in spite of the fact that Halloween is all about getting to be someone different for a day, I should stick to someone I would actually want to be. If I really wanted to play the part of Ke$ha, I would have been drinking and dancing on tables with everyone. That seems to be what some people were expecting out of my costume, but obviously that's not me. I spent half the time to myself, watching movies they had playing on TV.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Final Cut
Last night I went through all my Domestic Violence clips to find the parts that I wanted to use in my video. Its about 2 and a half minutes right now, so I'll have to cut it some more and narrow it down. I noticed that a couple of the girls had really good facial expressions that I don't remember when I was actually on set. One girl looked nervous; kind of shaking and blinking alot, so I will definitely be using those shots. And I think the second when the flash is on the screen looks really cool, hence my screen shot choice. --->
I'll be making the noodles for Miriam's Halloween party soon and Julie will be coming over around 6:30pm. I'm trying to convince her to be Dorothy!
I'll be making the noodles for Miriam's Halloween party soon and Julie will be coming over around 6:30pm. I'm trying to convince her to be Dorothy!
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Fight for your Rights
Today our Meet Up photography group had a shoot to support Domestic Violence Awareness. Originally Michael was going to be one of the make up artists, but with his HHN schedule, he wouldn't get enough sleep, so another girl named Amber Norell did all of the make up effects. We all met at her house around 10:45am. She had an area with a black backdrop and those umbrellas used for the flash when you take the picture. I was there to mainly get behind the scenes video, although I snagged a few shots as well. I'll be editing the video over the upcoming week or two. I probably won't make it very long, due to all the feedback I got from the "Girls of Paradise" video last month. More like a PSA, 30-45 seconds?
(Starting in the back, from the left, the models are Lizeth, Elle, Hannah and Rebekah. Teala is seated in the front. The photographer in the foreground is Hien.)
*I previously found this visually impressive PSA. Worth sharing.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Shift Change
I woke up at 10AM - terrible that it's the earliest I've gotten up in weeks! But now I have to make sure to stay awake the rest of the day so I can get up at 8:30 tomorrow for the photography group's next shoot. I forgot that Christopher & Meredith were coming to visit and go to Halloween Horror Nights with Michael, even though it was on the calendar. They got here around 12:30pm, which gave me time to organize, put away all my scrapbook items that were sprawled all over the floor and vacuum the whole house - including the tile floors! Michael dusted last night. We took them to see his GoreFX shop then had lunch at Jason's Deli. They left a few minutes ago to check in at their hotel and Michael is off to work. I'll be spending the next few hours personalizing and mailing off these cute Thanksgiving cards that I made. They seemed necessary since I only sent one Halloween card.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Lazy Wasp
I am currently nothing like this Busy Bee that I took a picture of earlier today. It's dreary outside and, not counting a tiny something I'm working on, I have nothing productive to do. I would like to fast forward to Sunday morning when the photography group I am a part of is having their Domestic Violence Awareness shoot and again to the following night when Miriam's costume party is. Until then, nothing.. Enjoy your day!
(Perhaps I will do some cleaning - it's always needed - while I listen to this upbeat cover of the song "It's Not Unusual", sung by Darren Criss from Glee.)
(Perhaps I will do some cleaning - it's always needed - while I listen to this upbeat cover of the song "It's Not Unusual", sung by Darren Criss from Glee.)
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Self Promotion

"I'm not telling you it's going to be easy; I'm telling you it's going to be worth it." A friend had that quote on her Facebook page and it motivated me enough to push through and finish editing all of the band's music video pictures last night rather than dragging it on throughout the week. Not only am I done and have one less thing to worry about, but I'm proud of myself and now I can push for more creative work each day! I did learn some things towards the end. Like how the process could have been much simpler and saved a load of steps if I had been using Adobe Photoshop CS4 the whole time. Instead I wasted time using 3 different programs.. Oh welllll.. Sometimes we just have to learn the hard way!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Why is it called "procrastination"? I thought "pro" was supposed to be a good thing.. Well, its taking me longer than I hoped it would to edit these pictures, but at least I'm not feeling rushed. I'm giving myself a October 30th deadline. I will email the Ornimental pictures to their manager by that night. With 200 pictures left to edit, that's 40 edits each day.. I can do it!
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Monkey See, Monkey Do
& Ta-Da!
This is the latest result of me watching too much "Top Model".
Self Portrait:
I did the make-up myself.
The white part across my eyes is just water based paint.
I took 5 Polaroids as well.
But this one, using the Canon Rebel T2i, is my favorite of the bunch.
I've been watching Australia's Next Top Model lately. Unfortunately I can only find the most recent season online, but did find a website with every "best" picture taken of each girl before they were eliminated, as well as other work they have done outside of the show. I am a huge fan of editorial photos - the ones that get published in magazines - where the girls (or guys) are wearing items of clothing that one might not necessarily wear together out in public, but it looks cool and they have on crazy beautiful make up. The main thing for me is to find volunteers who will let me mess with their face and hair..

Monday, October 24, 2011
The Little Things
Today has been very nice. It started off very early this morning with a 2AM date. I met Michael after work at Waffle House. I got the five strips of bacon and he got his pecan waffles. The waitress convinced us to take home a whole chocolate pie so she wouldn't have to cut one piece for me. [Fast forward until Noon..]
Once we woke up for the day, I ran some errands with Michael to Sam Flax, Hobby Lobby and a couple Halloween stores. *shudder*. The weather was great, so we rode with the windows down and the radio on, playing good music. One song had a chorus of "gotta live like we're dying". I wonder how many people do that..
After repeatedly asking Michael (over the past couple of weeks) if we could go on a picnic, he finally gave in and later admitted that he had a better time than he thought he would. We didn't pack sandwiches, but stopped at a couple food places. I got a wrap from Jason's Deli and he got Five Guys. We had to tie Sasha up so she wouldn't run away, but that didn't stop her from darting at every squirrel she saw.
Once we woke up for the day, I ran some errands with Michael to Sam Flax, Hobby Lobby and a couple Halloween stores. *shudder*. The weather was great, so we rode with the windows down and the radio on, playing good music. One song had a chorus of "gotta live like we're dying". I wonder how many people do that..
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Excuse the Hiatus
A fellow Full Sail classmate, Jeffrey Moore, was directing a music video for a new metal/rock band from Miami, called Ornimental. He posted online saying he needed someone to take BTS pictures, so I volunteered. Yesterday at 1PM, I met Jeff and the band in a huge field behind someone's farm out in Christmas, FL. Donte, another Full Sail friend, was there to help with the bounce and shiny board to keep light on the talent whenever possible. I ended up taking over 1,650 pictures of the band during the two hours that I was there. I just finished going through all the photos earlier today and ended up keeping around 500 good ones. I will be editing them during this week, although I'm not allowed to post any until the video is cut together and released online.
Friday, October 21, 2011
Risky Business
While Michael was out seeing a scary movie with his Halloween Horror Nights make up friends last week, I designed these business cards for myself. (I hope you like them.) When Michael got home, he put them into Photoshop and sized the files correctly to fit in to the format provided before ordering them from Next Day Flyers. There was another website I originally wanted to, where I could have a bunch of cards that all looked different on the front, to show off more of my photography, but their rates were about 5x more expensive.. Anyway, so I have been checking the mail every day and they finally arrived this morning. Not how we were expecting though.. At 7:28AM, we got a loud knock on the door and although Sasha barked a little, Michael stayed asleep. I had to wake him up and he made his way outside. It was the FedEx guy. Honestly, why so early?
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Getting the Chills

Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Bokeh, Not Boca...
Whenever I take pictures for more than one reason each day, I often think "well, I'll save these extra photos for my next post in case I don't do anything cool tomorrow".. But then I feel like I should post it anyway, that way when tomorrow comes around I am forced to do something cool! So here is yet another day of double posts ~
I feel like I have slowed down on my Polaroid pictures lately, so I was trying to find cool things to do to "spice it up". I have been wanting to try "bokeh" pictures.. a Japanese term for the subjective aesthetic quality of out-of-focus areas of a photographic image.. basically something with a shape cut out is covering the lens and the lit areas take that shape. When I used my Polaroid camera later in the afternoon, it came out differently. In a cool way, but more like a border.
When the sun was completely gone for the day, I played around with the shutter speed and was thoroughly entertained when I began racking the focus while the shutter was open! I've seen bokehs mostly at night, so I tried that too. It didn't work as well as I had hoped, mainly because I was confused at first of how to get it right and also I don't think we have enough lamps in our complex? I'll try again another night when Michael is able to help me and I've learned more about it.
Pinching Pennies

Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Anorexic Kitty
I was on my way back upstairs after a quick Thanksgiving themed shoot (which I probably won't post until November 1st), when I saw a kitty in the bushes! Thank goodness I had the good camera with me, unlike last time when I just had my Polaroid.. those were a waste of film. No offense, kitty. I ran upstairs and got a handful of turkey slices for him. I followed him along the wall, by the air conditioners, and took a lot of pictures between throwing turkey pieces on the ground for him. However, after 179 shots (for real - the more I take, the better chances there are of finding a really good one!), I realized that I don't think this is the anorexic kitty that I have seen around the complex before. He was still skinny, but I feel like the other kitty had more gray on his back.. Whatever, hopefully I made this kitty's day better. ♥ I will be putting a few more of my favorites on Flickr later tonight.
Professional Responsibility
I've been printing out Photo & Video Release forms for Wild Photography. The other day at Painted Oaks, Hannah had waivers for the models to sign and I automatically wished that I had some. And now I do! I had an extra binder in the closet and designed the side with my logo. I want to print out some of my more recent photos to make a front cover, but I will do that later this week. Its going to be another rainy day (according to the weather channel online & it is pretty overcast right now) and I have recently realized that I do not like going out when its storming really bad.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Breaking Dusk

Although I normally prefer pictures of myself smiling, below is my other favorite picture from the shoot, however, it did not include Drew's Soft Box:
You can view Drew's blog here. Today he came over to work on a piece about Michael and how he negotiates wages with clients for Special Make Up FX projects.
*Both photos courtesy of
Drew Prescott.
Click here to read the article that Drew wrote tonight, specifically about Michael's Special Make Up FX company, GoreFX, LLC.
*Both photos courtesy of
Drew Prescott.
Click here to read the article that Drew wrote tonight, specifically about Michael's Special Make Up FX company, GoreFX, LLC.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
This is Just the Beginning!
Phew! I'm cutting it pretty close to my daily deadline by running into "midnight overtime", but it took longer than expected to filter through all these wonderful pictures then edit & tag my favorites. A photography group that I joined a couple weeks ago (thanks, Hannah!) had their first "Meet Up" today! A handful of us got together at Painted Oaks Academy. I had never been there before and was excited when I noticed that they had horses. There were also a lot of parents and kids there to ride the horses and to pick out big pumpkins and decorate little ones. I worked with a lovely young woman, Diana Santos. She was very nice and fun and easy to work with. Diana had no problem posing in my America's Next Top Model "broken" type positions and I love that in certain photos she looks like the actress, Emily Browning. I also got a few cool snaps of the pretty horses.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Blood Widow

A couple of days ago a "Behind the Gore" video was released. Michael did all of the Special Make Up FX on set, so the video is him talking about his experience and how he became a part of the project. Also, in the info area of the video, I am properly credited as Camera Operator (for Michael's interview), as well as Behind the Scenes videographer and Behind the Scenes photographer.
For more Behind the Scenes pictures, Cast & Crew List, as well as Blood Widow's first teaser trailer, click here to visit the official website!
Friday, October 14, 2011
Marvelous Mothers

Thursday, October 13, 2011
Home Improvement

For the "Once Upon a Time" Polaroid/ Dream page, I took apart an old necklace and glued the charms down. I had been holding onto that necklace for a long time, just to use it in my crafts. I'm glad I finally found the right place for it. That's all I feel like scrapping for now. If I make more pages, (I have done 5 today and did 2 when Ryan was over), I will add those too.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Birthday: Part II
As the years go on, our birthdays tend to become less exciting. (We should definitely work on changing that!) Since we stayed up until 4am watching "Stepbrothers", Michael's birthday consisted of sleeping in very late, which was fine because we didn't have anything else important to do. He had a couple chocolate mini cupcakes for breakfast, including this one (pictured). I sang to him and he made a wish! We drove to the mall to get my engagement ring and wedding band polished and also stopped by Auntie Anne's for delicious sugary pretzels. After running a couple "man errands" to stores that sold power tools, we made our way to dinner at Bahama Breeze. The service was really good/quick tonight. I got a virgin Bahama Rita (so it was like a smoothie) with my meal. That's about it.. Happy Birthday, Michael!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
It Is Your Birthday.

But more importantly: Today is now officially Michael's 23rd birthday, since it's after midnight. He got a bunch of cards in the mail today! (And money to save for us to move to Los Angeles in a year or so.) We picked up some baby cupcakes from Wal-Mart as well as a bottle of champagne and orange juice so he could make mimosas.

My friend Ryan came over around 5:30 to scrapbook!! I like this picture of my Polaroids laid out with the ribbon. I started a couple pages, but will work on it more over the next few days and post new pictures when it's complete. Ryan (the cute baby in the second photo) made the collage of her mom, grandmother and great-grandmother. She later added letters to spell out "Four Generations" long the side.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Going Downtown

*Click HERE to see some of Michael's Special Make Up FX work.
Agree to Disagree

Michael likes the color version better because you can see more detail, specifically the wood grain, but I prefer the black & white because it looks like something you would see at an art gallery. I want my photography to be risky and not constantly follow the "rules" I politely acquired the professional opinion of others, asking which edit was more appealing to their visual taste and why.
"The color keeps the rings of the wood, as well as the rust from the tac." (Jay)
"The color makes the picture look more alive." (Miriam)
"It separates the foreground and the background very lovely!" (Lisa)
"If you wanted it to be an art piece, I'd go with the black and white." (Cory)
"I feel that the black and white actually speaks louder and holds your interest for a longer period of time because you feel the need to study it." (Nina)
Thank you.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Tis the Season

Over the past few days I have realized that my husband knows more about me than I thought. The main thing today is that "if I have money in my bank account, I will spend it". He was right. Darn him for being so smart. (Luckily he takes care of the bills and savings; I just pay for groceries.) It didn't spend it all, but I have been wanting some of those mini pumpkins. They were considered gourds, buuut.. they still look like mini pumpkins! Only 99 cents each & so colorful. Here they are in their own personal photo shoot, complete with tree (to hang tiny pictures) and a glittery bat for scrapbooking!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Rain Rain..

I'm a little bummed because I was really looking forward to going to the (outdoor) Art Festival with Michael today, but it's been raining non-stop for the past few hours. And it was raining last night when we went to sleep. I'm not going to let it get to me though. There is plenty of time left to get a good photo for today! Two of my friends are coming to visit from out of town and we're going to Downtown Disney for a bite to eat. I'm hoping to get some good shots there.
*8 hours later.. the rain has not stopped. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to meet with either of my friends. After some driving around in traffic, with cars honking all over the place, I picked up some tacos and headed home. However, during my Target run a little earlier, I did buy some Halloween goodies (decorations). That brightened my day a tad!
Friday, October 7, 2011
Macro Morning

Day 2, as promised. I've been waking up pretty late recently and by the time I got moving today, it was raining. However, once it stopped I figured "now would be a good time to get some of those beautiful macro raindrop shots". I found that there are a lot more flowers around our apartment than I thought. I guess I never looked enough or I was walking by too fast, missing out. Although it's not a flower, this one is my favorite shot from today!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Welcome to the Show!

Hello! I am so excited to start this fun blog to market myself, my talents and those who I work with on various projects. I plan to update you with my current works and would love to get your feedback to help me in the future! Today my husband, Michael, agreed to be my model. Here are my favorites (click the photos to view the full size)!
I would like to keep this blog current and keep looking forward, so instead of posting pictures I have taken in the past, I shall share with you my Flickr page and you can view my previous works there!
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