One day down, twenty nine more to go. Not counting weekends. Today was good. The girls at my table are nice. I enjoy getting paid to go to "school" and writing my own code of ethics. We watched a really old episode of Oprah that pertained to what we were learning in the Academy.

Tonight Michael and I went to Uno's. I had a $10 off coupon and got the Herb-Rubbed Breast of Chicken with mashed potatoes and rice with cranberries. Both of our meals came with a single breadstick. It was amazing & made me want spaghetti! I wish they brought out a whole free basket of them. I have a list of things to do, but I'm too tired right now. I can't even form proper sentences with ample adjectives as I am used to. So I shall bid you an early "Good Night".
Oh no. You can't post pictures of hot Krispy Kreme donuts just before bedtime! My mouth is watering. I can smell the icing. These warm donuts are absolutely delicious! Have a great week! -D