Goodness, time has been speeding up again! I had my medical and psych evaluations yesterday before my last shift at Kirkland's. I can finally begin my new job on Monday with 6 weeks of Academy training. I came across
Oh Happy Day! not too long ago and went through post after post, absorbing all the beauty of the photos she was showing off about her life in Paris. Which, of course, means.. Paris has moved to the #1 spot on my list of "Places to Travel to" (out of the country). I'll tour London after that.

I took a walk with Sasha a few nights ago, enjoying the cool air and taking note of which apartments had their doors and windows open to welcome the weather. Something about it made me think of Paris and I opened a window in our apartment, as well, while I worked on hand-made cards. The next morning I dressed up in my best Paris street attire, craving a warm baguette. I was planning on having breakfast outside on the balcony- half of a toasted bagel with a cup of strawberry yogurt and fresh sliced mango. I got side tracked and instead, later met Michael at Sonic for his lunch break. I wasn't able to enjoy his company for too long since I was taking (& making) phone calls from the Sheriff's Office. But we were able to snap a few photos together. Whenever I crave traveling around the world, I suddenly think of how so many different countries are actually in Orlando... at the Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. (Epcot!) Here are some pictures I took while "in Paris" when Michael and I went to Epcot for Spring Break in 2010. I'd love to go back soon - and this time enjoy more of it. Especially the food and music. Bonjour!
Hey!! I love your blog. Your pictures always make me smile! Not sure if you're still located in Central Florida but I'm trying to organize a potential Blogger Meet-up for bloggers in the area and if you want to be kept in the loop about it, feel free to send me an email!
Hope your week is going lovely!
OOOH! Paris would be lots of fun to visit! :) You should talk to your cousin, Michael--he was there a few years ago. I'd even settle for Paris in Epcot. We should plan to go :). They have a special 3 parks for $99 going on right now! xoxoxooxox